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Here’s the chronology:


A. In the following message, I tried to de-escalate matters, by coming to an agreement with Levy:


From : Andrew Kliman <andrew_kliman@msn.com>

Sent : Monday, May 15, 2006 5:40 PM
To : Gerald_A_Levy@msn.com
CC : […]
Subject : proposal
Mr. Levy,
I will not try to stop you from escalating this matter, if that is what you wish. But I have no desire to escalate it. In fact, I wish to de-escalate it. I therefore make the following proposal.
(1) You never again post or send, to any list or individual, or upload to any website or blog , any uncomplimentary statement, question, or other communication about me, nor about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with me, either directly or indirectly. In turn, I will never again post or send, to any list or individual, or upload to any website or blog , any uncomplimentary statement, question, or other communication about you, nor about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with you, either directly or indirectly.
(2) You never again speak to, gesture to or about, or come near me. In turn, I will never again speak to, gesture to or about, or come near you.
(3) You remove from the archives of your list all uncomplimentary statements, questions, and other communications you have made about me, and all uncomplimentary statements, questions, and other communications you have made about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with me, either directly or indirectly. You make a good-faith effort to cause all such statements, questions, and communications of yours to be removed from the archives of all other lists, websites, and blogs to which you posted them in the past, and you provide me with documentary evidence that you have made the requisite effort. In turn, I will remove the statement about you on the homepage of my website as well as the Stop Character Assassination page (though they are accurate and truthful).
If you do not wish to agree to point (3), I may be able to live with (1) plus (2).
For pluralism,
Andrew Kliman
B. Levy then made the following “counter proposal”:

Sent : Monday, May 15, 2006 6:18 PM
To : "Andrew Kliman" <andrew_kliman@msn.com>
CC : […]
Subject : counter proposal


Mr. Kliman,
I will make the following one-time-only offer. Should you choose not to accept, or should I not hear from you by 9 A.M. Tuesday( tomorrow morning), then I will pursue another course of action.
I will accept (1) & (2) below, with the following clarification and addition:
clarification -- as we both live in Manhattan , go to political events, scholarly conferences and professional meetings, it is inevitable that we will "come near" each other. This should not
be a problem so long as we both make an effort not to speak to or about or gesture to each other.
addition -- you will remove by 9 A.M. Tuesday the statement about me on the homepage of your website as well as the Stop Character Assassination page.
This is non-negotiable.
I strongly urge you to accept this proposal.
Sincerely, Jerry Levy


C. In yet another attempt to de-escalate, and in order to try to obtain peace from his campaign of character assassination, I ACCEPTED Levy’s “counter proposal” – points (1) and (2) of my original proposal, plus the sentence in point (3) regarding the removal of material from my website :


Sent : Monday, May 15, 2006 9:54 PM
To : Gerald_A_Levy@msn.com
Subject : amended proposal (complete version)
This version is the complete one, containing the materials specified in the 1st sentence and correcting a minor typo, and thus replaces the version sent a few minutes earlier.
May 15, 2006
Mr. Levy,
With this message, both of us have now accepted my proposal to you of earlier today (see below), as amended by you (see below), and we are bound by it from this moment on.
That is,
(1) You never again post or send, to any list or individual, or upload to any website or blog , any uncomplimentary statement, question, or other communication about me, nor about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with me, either directly or indirectly. In turn, I will never again post or send, to any list or individual, or upload to any website or blog , any uncomplimentary statement, question, or other communication about you, nor about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with you, either directly or indirectly.
(2) You never again speak to, nor gesture to or about me. In turn, I will never again speak to, nor gesture to or about you.
(3) I have removed the statement about you from the homepage of my website as well as the Stop Character Assassination page (though they were accurate and truthful).

Please note that I am an individual. Thus, according to provision (1), you are also absolutely forbidden, from this moment on, from sending *me* any uncomplimentary statement, question, or other communication about me, or about any person, organization, project, or cause on the basis of their association with me, either directly or indirectly.

I ask that you immediately acknowledge receipt of this agreement.
Another VICTORY FOR PLURALISM has been won!
Andrew J. Kliman, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Economics
Pace University
Pleasantville , NY 10570
[My original proposal and his amended proposal, items A and B above, followed.]
D. Eight hours later, Levy ACKNOWLEDGED that we had an agreement. Note especially his new subject line: “agreement.”
From : Jerry Levy <Gerald_A_Levy@msn.com>
Sent : Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:45 AM
To : "Andrew Kliman" <andrew_kliman@msn.com>
Subject : agreement
I acknowledge receipt of your message.
> Another VICTORY FOR PLURALISM has been won!
I wouldn't quite put it like that. But, it is a step forward in that it should allow both of us to concentrate our energies on more pressing matters and ensure that the events of last month will not be repeated.
Sincerely, Jerry

E. Thus we had an agreement, as BOTH sides acknowledged. But then Levy proceeded to RENEGE on the agreement. His behavior reveals that he is deceitful and he goes back on his word.

From : Jerry Levy <Gerald_A_Levy@msn.com>
Sent : Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:54 PM
To : "Andrew Kliman" <andrew_kliman@msn.com>
CC : […]
Subject : no agreement after all
Mr. Kliman,
I do NOT agree to and categorically reject the clause at the end of the following statement.
> (3) I have removed the statement about you from the homepage
> of my website as well as the Stop Character Assassination page
> (though they were accurate and truthful).
Sincerely, Jerry Levy
PS: haven't you forotten about something?


F. This has been followed by Levy’s continued character assassination of me, threats against and attempted intimidation of me, and harassment of other people associated with me in one way or another. See Levy’s Threats, Attempted Intimidation, and Harassment. (The threats and attempted intimidation in fact began with the “PS” to his message in item E, above.)

My only response until now (June 13, 2006 ) has been a letter which called upon him to respect our agreement.






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